Wii U sales have been particularly low in the UK, but there has been some slight improvement in recent weeks. Looks like that momentum is set to gain some steam in October. The Wind Waker HD is off to a pretty respectable start, and Wii U sales have made a pretty dramatic jump as a result.
The Wind Waker HD debuted at number 4 on the UK software charts, which isn’t half-bad for an HD remake of an old on a struggling system. It looks like a lot of UK gamers were waiting for this title to grab the system, as Nintendo reports a sales increase of 685% over last week.
We have long believed that software sells hardware and it’s great to see that reaffirmed this week with an uplift of Wii U hardware sales to coincide with the launch of The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD.
Nintendo will hope to keep the momentum going with three new Wii U bundles and Super Mario 3D World. Will you be buying a Wii U this holiday?