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description[PREPARE YOURSELF NEWS] GameStop vai entrar no mercado de retros Empty[PREPARE YOURSELF NEWS] GameStop vai entrar no mercado de retros

É agora que os preços disparam mesmo!

Matéria abaixo, em inglês:

Dust off your Nintendo 64. Once again it, and other retro consoles, will be accepted at GameStop. The company will launch a pilot sales and trade-in program for retro consoles, games, and accessories in two of its markets beginning April 25.

Stores in its NYC and Birmingham markets, which comprise around 250 store locations, will play host to the program.

According to a spokesperson for GameStop, the qualifying locations will begin accepting "games, systems and select accessories for most 'retro' platforms," going all the way back to the Nintendo Entertainment System. If the program proves successful, GameStop hopes to roll it out nationally "later this year."

“This will increase the number of games GameStop offers either for sale or to purchase by "about 5000."

The systems and accessories that you will be able to trade-in and purchase include the NES, Super NES, SEGA Genesis, PlayStation, N64, and SEGA Dreamcast. This will increase the number of games GameStop offers either for sale or to purchase by "about 5000."

"We will bring all of the product back through the Refurbishment Operations Center for inspection, testing and repair," GameStop told us. The lead time between when it begins accepting trades and when the products will be put on sale is estimated to be about 2 months. This gives the company sufficient processing time and "time to build up a good assortment for retro games fans to select from when shopping."

However, you won't be inundated with the sights and sounds of your favorite retro games when you walk into your local store. Purchases can be made on GameStop's website or through its web-in-store system.

The GameStop spokesperson said all of these retro consoles are expected to "have the same warranty as current used and refurbished consoles."

Earlier in the year, a report surfaced that GameStop had developed a system to repair the dreaded red-ring of death problem in Xbox 360 consoles, a report that was later verified in a statement from the company.

At the beginning of March, GameStop announced it would once again start accepting PlayStation 2 consoles for in-store credit.

What do you think? Do you have a spare retro console laying around you'd like to turn into new games, or are you interested in finding a one-stop shop for your retro needs? Get the conversation going in the comments.

description[PREPARE YOURSELF NEWS] GameStop vai entrar no mercado de retros EmptyRe: [PREPARE YOURSELF NEWS] GameStop vai entrar no mercado de retros

Não sei o que pensar, sinceramente.

description[PREPARE YOURSELF NEWS] GameStop vai entrar no mercado de retros EmptyRe: [PREPARE YOURSELF NEWS] GameStop vai entrar no mercado de retros

Guitto escreveu:
Não sei o que pensar, sinceramente.

Eu acho que num primeiro momento eles devem começar a comprar coisas no preço de hj no ebay e similares e vender mais caros. Com o tempo os novos vendedores do ebay/similares vão começar a usar o preço da gamestop como benchmark para seus preços. No mínimo a gente vai ter um aumento de preços ainda maior nos retros pra "catadores" de games antigos, como muitos de nós aqui no fórum somos.

description[PREPARE YOURSELF NEWS] GameStop vai entrar no mercado de retros EmptyRe: [PREPARE YOURSELF NEWS] GameStop vai entrar no mercado de retros

Pelo que eu li ontem, a Gamestop já está juntando estoque tem algum tempo. Eles não vão começar agora a comprar jogos antigos, eu acho que há uma possibilidade, não sei se grande ou pequena, de os preços terem uma pequena caída, principalmente dos jogos mais populares, como Zelda, Mario, Sonic, etc.

description[PREPARE YOURSELF NEWS] GameStop vai entrar no mercado de retros EmptyRe: [PREPARE YOURSELF NEWS] GameStop vai entrar no mercado de retros

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