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OK OK NEWS - Charlie Sheen com AIDS

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Henrico D. Santo
Alohawell Ltda
Antonio Neto
9 participantes

descriptionOK OK NEWS - Charlie Sheen com AIDS EmptyOK OK NEWS - Charlie Sheen com AIDS

In a blockbuster world exclusive, the National ENQUIRER reports that Charlie Sheen is hiding a shocking secret: He has been suffering from the deadly HIV virus for years.

After an exhaustive 18-month investigation, the ENQUIRER reveals the sex-crazed 50-year-old actor, who has a long history of sleeping with porn stars, strippers and groupies of both sexes, is now desperate to cover up his medical crisis, and it’s costing him millions.

PHOTOS: Charlie Sheen’s Expertise Of Hiring Prostitutes, Hiding Porn, Drug Meltdowns & More In Jon Cryer’s New Book

“Charlie thought he was indestructible and took no precautions — even though he was indulging in high-risk sex practices,” a close friend of the star said.

Sheen, who has boasted of sleeping with more than 5,000 women, confessed his illness to almost a dozen sources, who then divulged the information to the ENQUIRER and underwent intense scrutinizing by the publication, including lie detector tests administered by an independent polygrapher.

And in a bombshell revelation, Sheen’s ex-wife, Brooke Mueller, claimed the father of her twin sons “potentially” infected her with HIV.

PHOTOS: Sheen Shocker! Charlie’s Porn Star Ex-Fiancée Spent ‘Nights Crying’, Pictured With ‘Strangulation & Choking’ Injuries

“I had a drug induced psychotic break at Charlie’s after doing drugs with Charlie for that many days,” she reportedly wrote, in part, in a text message. “I couldn’t handle the HIV news. Just 6 months ago I was diagnosed with the eye disease and then Charlie potentially giving me HIV…”

The ENQUIRER learned during its investigation that at least four women have claimed Sheen exposed them to the virus, and he reportedly paid of one female sex partner in a hush-hush financial settlement. There are also several active lawsuits against Sheen over the status of his deadly condition.

“Charlie had sex with multiple partner since learning his HIV status without informing them of his potentially deadly HIV infection,” one source told The ENQUIRER.

Adult film star Scottine Ross, who an insider noted didn’t know of Sheen’s HIV status for four months while they had unprotected sex, railed against her ex-fiancé in a video provided to The ENQUIRER: “You exposed me to HIV for a year and a half!” she blasted.

Though Sheen privately issued a strenuous denial when confronted by The ENQUIRER in November 2014 about his double life, his HIV status is an “open secret” in Hollywood.

Now Sheen, who doesn’t know how he contracted the virus, “has been tortured by the thought that his acting genius will be forgotten,” explained a source. “Charlie’s worst fear is that he will be remembered not as a great actor, but as someone who contracted the disease.”

More than 1.2 million people in the U.S. are living with HIV or AIDS. If you are worried about HIV, get in touch with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Additional Reporting – Jen Heger & Andrea Simpson

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ele com aids vai comer mais mulher que o forum inteiro saudável

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sempre achei ele um babaca mas sofrer com isso ngm merece

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o cara é foda...

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descriptionOK OK NEWS - Charlie Sheen com AIDS EmptyRe: OK OK NEWS - Charlie Sheen com AIDS

Se for verdade... Será que ele sabia esse tempo todo???

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Drogas matam ele antes da AIDS.

descriptionOK OK NEWS - Charlie Sheen com AIDS EmptyRe: OK OK NEWS - Charlie Sheen com AIDS

Leinad escreveu:
Se for verdade... Será que ele sabia esse tempo todo???

Pelo que ta escrito, ele já sabe a anos.

Se ele transou sem camisinha sabendo da doença e sem informar as pessoas, até onde sei, ele pode até ser preso. Confere, adevogados?

descriptionOK OK NEWS - Charlie Sheen com AIDS EmptyRe: OK OK NEWS - Charlie Sheen com AIDS

Bonatti escreveu:
Leinad escreveu:
Se for verdade... Será que ele sabia esse tempo todo???

Pelo que ta escrito, ele já sabe a anos.

Se ele transou sem camisinha sabendo da doença e sem informar as pessoas, até onde sei, ele pode até ser preso. Confere, adevogados?

na lei BRHUE sim

Art. 130 – Perigo de Contágio Venéreo:

Art. 130 - Expor alguém, por meio de relações sexuais ou qualquer ato libidinoso, a contágio de moléstia venérea, de que sabe ou deve saber que está contaminado:
Pena - detenção, de três meses a um ano, ou multa.
§ 1º - Se é intenção do agente transmitir a moléstia:
Pena - reclusão, de um a quatro anos, e multa.
§ 2º - Somente se procede mediante representação.

descriptionOK OK NEWS - Charlie Sheen com AIDS EmptyRe: OK OK NEWS - Charlie Sheen com AIDS

Bonatti escreveu:
Drogas matam ele antes da AIDS.

Aids não é mais problema. Veja o Magic Johnson. É só levar uma vida regrada e saudável, além de praticar esportes, que dá pra viver numa boa.

Ou seja, Charlie Sheen morre em 6 meses de Aids se não tiver uma overdose antes.

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diz a lenda q amanha cedo ele assume a doença na tv

veremos se nao é um fake viral

Trocadilho Trocadilho Trocadilho

descriptionOK OK NEWS - Charlie Sheen com AIDS EmptyRe: OK OK NEWS - Charlie Sheen com AIDS

Vish !

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Ele confirmou. Deu uma entrevista hoje. Ele já sabe disso há 4 anos.

Tinha notado há um tempo que ele deu uma emagrecida forte. Agora faz sentido.

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vim postar isso..

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