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description[CRAPCOM NEWS]Christian "Sven" Svensson vai pra rua[+Cara foda][+Merda de empresa] Empty[CRAPCOM NEWS]Christian "Sven" Svensson vai pra rua[+Cara foda][+Merda de empresa]

Capcom U.S. has undertaken a staff reorganization today, resulting in the loss of its senior vice president Christian Svensson.

Svensson posted the news on his Facebook page today, saying that he had volunteered to go as part of the planned re-org. He did not say who else had been affected, but wrote that "sadly, I'm not the only one affected by the reorganization today. Over the next few days, I'll be gathering resumes from as many as I can and will be sending them out to my contacts around the industry to see if there's a 'love connection' to be made."

Svensson has been with Capcom for eight years. "I've had the opportunity to interface with the best fans any company could ever hope to have," he wrote. "I know that I wasn't always able to deliver what they wanted, but I promise that I did my best to champion their needs and wants. So thank you to the fans who made my job rewarding, challenging, and, if nothing else, interesting."

Svensson, a former games journalist, previously worked at Midway. Through the Capcom-Unity blog he has been a frequent point of contact with Capcom fans, addressing concerns about everything from DRM to sleeping franchises, like Mega Man.

"While I wish the company the best of luck, Capcom is going in a different direction and the need for people at my level, relative to other areas, is lacking," he added. "Those who know me well, know that I've been ready to go for quite some time. We tried some things that worked. We tried others that didn't. We fought fights that were worth fighting and even won a few. I'm proud of what we accomplished."

Capcom in the U.S. employs about 130 people. California law mandates that any layoffs equal to 50 people or 50 percent of the workforce must be registered. Given no sign of a registration, it looks like the number of layoffs is less than 50, though talk of a "restructure" likely means the tally will be in the double-figures.

Update: Capcom has provided Polygon with a statement. "Capcom today laid off several employees from the U.S. office as part of an overall organizational restructure of the company. The transition to the new generation of hardware and changing industry landscape have required us to adapt our business to best meet our new goals. We sincerely thank each individual for their contributions and wish them well."


RESUMINDO PARA OS NÃO ENTENDIDOS: Sven foi a "face" da capcom para os fãs. Ele que respondia as dúvidas, ele que pedia desculpas pelas cagadas da empresa, ele que fazia o meio de campo entre as informações da Capcom USA e Capcom Japan. Ele "substituiu" Seth Killain quando a capcom demitiu ele, de certa forma. Também era fã de Mega Man e games de luta, uma figura carismática e um dos últimos sabedores do "segredo de Mega Man 9".

A parte mais triste é a RAZÃO da saída dele: Uma série de funcionários da Capcom foram pra rua. o Sven saiu junto, juntou os currículos de todos os demitidos e vai usar todos os contatos que tem para tentar arranjar empregos pra quem a Capcom jogou fora.

Alguém nessa empresa deve ter merda na cabeça. A cada ano sai uma figura competente e amada pelo público... Tem que falir logo

EXTRA: minha antiga postagem sobre a saída do Seth Killian

description[CRAPCOM NEWS]Christian "Sven" Svensson vai pra rua[+Cara foda][+Merda de empresa] EmptyRe: [CRAPCOM NEWS]Christian "Sven" Svensson vai pra rua[+Cara foda][+Merda de empresa]

Se tivesse grana podia juntar todos e montar uma empresa própria.

description[CRAPCOM NEWS]Christian "Sven" Svensson vai pra rua[+Cara foda][+Merda de empresa] EmptyRe: [CRAPCOM NEWS]Christian "Sven" Svensson vai pra rua[+Cara foda][+Merda de empresa]

Capcom e EA.....

Diferença é que a Capcom, apesar de tudo, ainda nos entrega jogos fodas pra caralho...
Mas é triste ver a politica dela.

description[CRAPCOM NEWS]Christian "Sven" Svensson vai pra rua[+Cara foda][+Merda de empresa] EmptyRe: [CRAPCOM NEWS]Christian "Sven" Svensson vai pra rua[+Cara foda][+Merda de empresa]

é um bando de cabeças brancas bem filhos da puta!

a maioria não vale o que come naquela merda.

conto nos dedos os que respeito lá atualmente tirando o povo da matriz japonesa que costuma ser lento para tomar qualquer decisão mas são mais sensatos

description[CRAPCOM NEWS]Christian "Sven" Svensson vai pra rua[+Cara foda][+Merda de empresa] EmptyRe: [CRAPCOM NEWS]Christian "Sven" Svensson vai pra rua[+Cara foda][+Merda de empresa]

Bonatti escreveu:
apesar de tudo, ainda nos entrega jogos fodas pra caralho...

entrega, mas entrega em seis parcelas, e você paga preço cheio em cada uma delas.

tá rolando rumores até que a "versão 2013" vai se chamar Hyper street fighter e vai ser pago...


description[CRAPCOM NEWS]Christian "Sven" Svensson vai pra rua[+Cara foda][+Merda de empresa] EmptyRe: [CRAPCOM NEWS]Christian "Sven" Svensson vai pra rua[+Cara foda][+Merda de empresa]

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