parece q ontem saiu um patch
Patch Ver. 1.09 Now Available (Aug. 6th)
Release Notes:
Reduced latency issues and frequent "Waiting for player…" message during online games.
Latency indicator that shows players' connection status now updates sooner.
Severe audio distortion issue improved by addressing memory leak.
Rendering performance restored on certain machines that had been impacted by the aforementioned memory leak.
VCredist install routine no longer occurs every time you launch the game.
Reduced wait time before the "Unable to join" message is displayed when searching for matches online.
Private Slots (Steam settings work differently than GFWL):
Empty public slots in lobby: no changes to joining rules
Empty private slots in lobby (3 options below):
Host's friend can join by using "Join Game" from friends list
Players can join by accepting invitation from the host
Players can join private lobby using "Join Game" on a friend that is not the host, if the player has the host of the lobby in his friends list.
Joining a friend that is the host in a private lobby is not possible but "Join Game" on the friends list is still active. (but ignored)"
False “New Challenger” interrupt by local 2nd player when playing Arcade Mode - Keyboard/pad/arcade stick settings problem has been addressed.
Now it is possible to manually change the refresh rate in the config.ini file (same as the GFWL version)
Players can now view recently player players by using the Steam overlay while the game is active.
Additional country flags have been supported: China, Taiwan, Malaysia, Cyprus, Malta, Thailand, Argentina, Indonesia, Ukraine