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VALVE ARREGOU NEWS - mods pra Skyrim voltarão a ser gratis

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Crude Dude
Antonio Neto
9 participantes

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Removing Payment Feature From Skyrim Workshop
We're going to remove the payment feature from the Skyrim workshop. For anyone who spent money on a mod, we'll be refunding you the complete amount. We talked to the team at Bethesda and they agree.

We've done this because it's clear we didn't understand exactly what we were doing. We've been shipping many features over the years aimed at allowing community creators to receive a share of the rewards, and in the past, they've been received well. It's obvious now that this case is different.

To help you understand why we thought this was a good idea, our main goals were to allow mod makers the opportunity to work on their mods full time if they wanted to, and to encourage developers to provide better support to their mod communities. We thought this would result in better mods for everyone, both free & paid. We wanted more great mods becoming great products, like Dota, Counter-strike, DayZ, and Killing Floor, and we wanted that to happen organically for any mod maker who wanted to take a shot at it.

But we underestimated the differences between our previously successful revenue sharing models, and the addition of paid mods to Skyrim's workshop. We understand our own game's communities pretty well, but stepping into an established, years old modding community in Skyrim was probably not the right place to start iterating. We think this made us miss the mark pretty badly, even though we believe there's a useful feature somewhere here.

Now that you've backed a dump truck of feedback onto our inboxes, we'll be chewing through that, but if you have any further thoughts let us know.


Em fase de testes, apenas para Skyrim por enquanto.

25% do valor fica com o modder, 40% pra valve e 35% pra dev do jogo.

Repercussão está mal, pois muitos mods continuaram gratuitos mas agora com propaganda pra versão paga.

E muitos acham que as devs oficiais farão um serviço porco sabendo que os modders consertarão o jogo por conta deles e continuarão a receber dinheiro mesmo com a preguiça.

Última edição por Antonio Neto em Seg 27 Abr 2015, 20:11, editado 1 vez(es)

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O que já tá gerando também são os modders retirando material até de outros sites, pra ninguém baixar e vender na steamworks como se fosse deles...

Esse negócio é treta de todo lado, todas discussões que vi deram uma solução 1000x melhor. Botãozinho de doação do lado, quem quiser ajudar, ajuda.. Simples!

Enfim, acho que n vai pra frente não, já tá rolando uns abaixo assinados contra isso e tal.

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no começo achei que fosse ser algo bom, porque daí daria mais suporte aos modders, os mods poderiam ser melhores e tal

mas tem uma AVALANCHE de problemas e práticas maldosas que podem sair disso.

muitos mods eram comunitários, feitos em equipe, com ambiente colaborativo.
muitos mods eram coletâneas de mods.
muitos mods usam um mod básico.
tudo isso fica comprometido com esse novo sistema.

fora que muitos mods continuam gratuitos, mas com PROPAGANDAS. dai voce paga pra ficar livre delas.

isso de doar é o melhor, deveria ser mantido E substituir o novo modelo. se eu queria ajudar um modder com 1 dolar, eu dava 1 dolar pra ele. agora, se eu quiser dar 1 dolar pra ele, tenho que dar MAIS TRES pra valve+dev.

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Primeiro mod pago de "Skyrim" é removido por ter conteúdo não autorizado

Menos de um dia após seu lançamento, o serviço de mods pagos para "Skyrim" via a plataforma Steam viu sua primeira baixa, após uma modificação ser removida por trazer conteúdo de outra criação de fã.

A modificação em questão possibilitava a pesca no mundo do jogo, e foi desenvolvido pelos veteranos Chesko e aqqh. Parte de seu conteúdo, porém, vem de outro mod, "New Idles of Skyrim", desenvolvido pelo usuário Fore.

Na página do mod dentro do Steam Workshop, Fore declarou não ter dado consentimento para utilização de seu mod, e criticou o programa da Valve. "Fazer dinheiro com mods é totalmente contra minha atitude. É o fim de uma comunidade de modificação funcional e inventiva", declarou.

Além de remover o mod, Chesko também respondeu aos comentários: "Perguntei à Valve especificamente sobre conteúdo que requer outro conteúdo, e fui informado que se o outro download é separado e gratuito, não haveria problema", escreveu. "No caso deste mod, as animações não são necessárias para que ele continue funcionando. Porém, vou deferir à decisão de Fore, que trará um reembolso a todos os consumidores".

A página do mod - assim como a sessão de comentários com os posts de Fore e Chesko - foram removidas.

Implementada na quinta (23), o sistema de mods pagos pelo Steam Workshop só está disponível, inicialmente, para o jogo "The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim", embora a Valve tenha indicado que outros jogos terão uma versão própria nas próximas semanas.

Em poucas horas, o programa gerou uma série de controvérsias entre entusiastas da comunidade modder, que vê com maus olhos diversos aspectos do programa.

Uma das principais críticas ao sistema envolve justamente a situação acima, em que um modder utiliza o conteúdo de outro criador para seu próprio projeto, sem envolvê-lo em parte dos lucros.

Outras reclamações estão na divisão do dinheiro por parte das publisher - no caso dos mods de "Skyrim", em específico, o modder recebe apenas 25% da compra, enquanto os outros 75% são divididos entre a Valve e a Bethesda - e pelo fato de que o criador só receberá seus ganhos após arrecadar US$ 100 pelo conteúdo.

Mais fragilidades no sistema incluem a possível instabilidade de mods: A Valve deu uma janela de 24 horas para um pedido de reembolso, mas usuários temem a possibilidade de atualizações do jogo destruírem sua compatibilidade com a modificação, talvez permanentemente.

A autonomia dos modders, que podem remover seu conteúdo livremente, sem repercussões por parte da Valve, também preocupa a comunidade.

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É, foi esse cara que eu vi no reddit a reclamação..

Fora as zueras né, toda hora tem um novo. Rindo

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descriptionVALVE ARREGOU NEWS - mods pra Skyrim voltarão a ser gratis EmptyRe: VALVE ARREGOU NEWS - mods pra Skyrim voltarão a ser gratis


descriptionVALVE ARREGOU NEWS - mods pra Skyrim voltarão a ser gratis EmptyRe: VALVE ARREGOU NEWS - mods pra Skyrim voltarão a ser gratis

Tem que banir isso daí, o grande barato dos mods era ser tudo voluntário e de graça...

descriptionVALVE ARREGOU NEWS - mods pra Skyrim voltarão a ser gratis EmptyRe: VALVE ARREGOU NEWS - mods pra Skyrim voltarão a ser gratis

E uma coisa que fico curioso...
Tem leis que protegiam esses mods de material de outra empresa e tals..

Mas agora, eles cobrando isso, como será que fica? Tipo mod de ítens de Zelda pra Skyrim e etc..

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KILLING FLOOR 2 tá proibindo de venderem mods p jogo

palmas p dev

Your Mods must be distributed for free, period. Neither you, nor any other person or party, may sell them to anyone

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os cobradores vao cair na propria armadilha!!

The SkyUI author has recently said his 5.0 version would be behind the paywall, but again proving the glaring and obvious legal problems with this program, he missed something

To make his mod, he used TweenLite as is clearly and presented stated on his own mod page, on the Workshop, right there :
TweenLite CAN NOT be used for commercial purposes, you would need to buy a license hosted here : valued at 150 $/month. Worse, he's not only one developer. Use the drop-down selection box. That's right, 500 $/month

Thus, the mod would be taken down unless the SkyUI author would agree to pay 500 $/month indefinitely to keep the right to monetize a mod that uses TweenLite

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É, nosso deus gabe cagou mto nessa idéia..

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Os MODs são um dos pilares do PC gaming...o gordo chegou de mansinho, deu uma voadora e arrebentou com o pilar.
Ele conseguiu colocar modder contra modder por causa de migalhas, esfarelar um ecossistema extremamente colaborativo e unido, além de assassinar o Workshop. Cara, não dá pra crer no que está acontecendo.

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Me surpreende é da steam não ter apagado isso na miuda, fingindo que nada aconteceu :v

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Hello everyone,

I would like to address the current situation regarding Arissa, and Art of the Catch, an animated fishing mod scripted by myself and animated by Aqqh.

It now lives in modding history as the first paid mod to be removed due to a copyright dispute. Recent articles on Kotaku and Destructiod have positioned me as a content thief. Of course, the truth is more complex than that.

I will now reveal some information about some internal discussions that have occurred at Valve in the month leading up to this announcement, more than you've heard anywhere else.

I'll start with the human factor. Imagine you wake up one morning, and sitting in your inbox is an email directly from Valve, with a Bethesda staff member cc'd. And they want YOU, yes, you, to participate in a new and exciting program. Well, shit. What am I supposed to say? These kinds of opportunities happen once in a lifetime. It was a very persuasive and attractive situation.

We were given about a month and a half to prepare our content. As anyone here knows, large DLC-sized mods don't happen in a month and a half. During this time, we were required to not speak to anyone about this program. And when a company like Valve or Bethesda tells you not to do something, you tend to listen.

I knew this would cause backlash, trust me. But I also knew that, with the right support and infrastructure in place, there was an opportunity to take modding to "the next level", where there are more things like Falskaar in the world because the incentive was there to do it. The boundary between "what I'm willing to do as a hobby" and "what I'm willing to do if someone paid me to do it" shifts, and more quality content gets produced. That to me sounded great for everyone. Hobbyists will continue to be hobbyists, while those that excel can create some truly magnificent work. In the case of Arissa, there are material costs associated with producing that mod (studio time, sound editing, and so on). To be able to support Arissa professionally also sounded great.

Things internally stayed rather positive and exciting until some of us discovered that "25% Revenue Share" meant 25% to the modder, not to Valve / Bethesda. This sparked a long internal discussion. My key argument to Bethesda (putting my own head on the chopping block at the time) was that this model incentivizes small, cheap to produce items (time-wise) than it does the large, full-scale mods that this system has the opportunity of championing. It does not reward the best and the biggest. But at the heart of it, the argument came down to this: How much would you pay for front-page Steam coverage? How much would you pay to use someone else's successful IP (with nearly no restrictions) for a commercial purpose? I know indie developers that would sell their houses for such an opportunity. And 25%, when someone else is doing the marketing, PR, brand building, sales, and so on, and all I have to do is "make stuff", is actually pretty attractive. Is it fair? No. But it was an experiment I was willing to at least try.

Of course, the modding community is a complex, tangled web of interdependencies and contributions. There were a lot of questions surrounding the use of tools and contributed assets, like FNIS, SKSE, SkyUI, and so on. The answer we were given is:

[Valve] Officer Mar 25 @ 4:47pm
Usual caveat: I am not a lawyer, so this does not constitute legal advice. If you are unsure, you should contact a lawyer. That said, I spoke with our lawyer and having mod A depend on mod B is fine--it doesn't matter if mod A is for sale and mod B is free, or if mod A is free or mod B is for sale.

Art of the Catch required the download of a separate animation package, which was available for free, and contained an FNIS behavior file. Art of the Catch will function without this download, but any layman can of course see that a major component of it's enjoyment required FNIS.

After a discussion with Fore, I made the decision to pull Art of the Catch down myself. (It was not removed by a staff member) Fore and I have talked since and we are OK.

I have also requested that the pages for Art of the Catch and Arissa be completely taken down. Valve's stance is that they "cannot" completely remove an item from the Workshop if it is for sale, only allow it to be marked as unpurchaseable. I feel like I have been left to twist in the wind by Valve and Bethesda.

In light of all of the above, and with the complete lack of moderation control over the hundreds of spam and attack messages I have received on Steam and off, I am making the decision to leave the curated Workshop behind. I will be refunding all PayPal donations that have occurred today and yesterday.

I am also considering removing my content from the Nexus. Why? The problem is that Robin et al, for perfectly good political reasons, have positioned themselves as essentially the champions of free mods and that they would never implement a for-pay system. However, The Nexus is a listed Service Provider on the curated Workshop, and they are profiting from Workshop sales. They are saying one thing, while simultaneously taking their cut. I'm not sure I'm comfortable supporting that any longer. I may just host my mods on my own site for anyone who is interested.

What I need to happen, right now, is for modding to return to its place in my life where it's a fun side hobby, instead of taking over my life. That starts now. Or just give it up entirely; I have other things I could spend my energy on.

Real-time update - I was just contacted by Valve's lawyer. He stated that they will not remove the content unless "legally compelled to do so", and that they will make the file visible only to currently paid users. I am beside myself with anger right now as they try to tell me what I can do with my own content. The copyright situation with Art of the Catch is shades of grey, but in Arissa 2.0's case, it's black and white; that's 100% mine and Griefmyst's work, and I should be able to dictate its distribution if I so choose. Unbelievable.

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