- Is This a Sequel?
Yes. This is Super Meat Boy 2, but with a less boring name than “Super Meat Boy 2”.
- What’s Different?
Let’s start with what’s the same: Dr. Fetus is still a jerk, gameplay is super challenging but fair, there are tight controls and great levels and you will die...a lot.
Now what’s different: Meat Boy and Bandage Girl have a little baby named Nugget (awww). Dr Fetus has kidnapped Nugget, forcing Meat Boy and Bandage Girl to rescue her. Levels are dynamically constructed based on difficulty. Each time you beat a level, it reconstructs into a harder version of itself (up to a point...we aren’t gods). Meat Boy and Bandage Girl are no longer defenseless, they can punch and kick their enemies. And, the biggest difference, the controls controls are now two buttons, you have a jump, a jump attack, a dive, and a slide.
- Two Buttons? That Sounds Dumb!
Here’s the thing: shut up. Two buttons doesn’t mean less control, it means we designed levels to use two buttons. You can get a surprising amount of movement and precision by designing levels that complement your controls. Super Meat Boy felt great because there was a marriage of level design and controls, Super Meat Boy Forever is no different.
- Is This an Infinite-Runner?
No, Super Meat Boy Forever’s levels have a defined start and end, no infinite running. Meat Boy and Bandage Girl do always run though, if someone kidnapped your kid you’d run all the time too.
-So if you always run, what are the levels like?
Each level consists of 40-50 carefully designed “chunks” that are placed together to create a level. Chunks are like little Meat Boy levels that are designed, decorated, and given a difficulty rating. Each time you beat a level, an increased difficulty criteria is used to generate the harder version of that level. Also, levels need to have a certain cadence to them so they don’t feel like just random stuff thrown at you. We’ve worked on a system that allows us to give a criteria of difficulty and pacing that makes the levels randomly, but still within the confines of what we want the levels to be presented as.
- iOS and Android? Gross. Is This a Terrible Mobile Game?
No. It’s a console game that’s being brought to mobile...not the other way around. In fact, at the time of this writing we don’t even have the start of a mobile build of the game. We’ll get there, but we’re focused on making this game amazing and then we’ll worry about bringing it to iOS/Android.
- Can I speedrun it?
Yep! We'll have SKIPZ AND SICK TECH so don't worry your fidget spinners.
- When Is It Coming Out?
We hope to have it in your hands before Summer of 2018. We don’t have a schedule on which platforms will be first, but it’s a safe bet to assume it will be PC/Consoles first and mobile shortly thereafter. We want to get it into as many people’s hands as possible without killing ourselves.